Thursday, 31 December 2015

X-Wing repaint 2

Another X-Wing repaint, this one was originally a clean white repaint but I wasn't happy with it so I dirtied it up a little, then a lot hence this abomination.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Saturday, 19 December 2015

X-Wing repaint

A clean X-Wing repaint this time, the stock FFG paintwork on the the X-Wing is far too dark in my opinion so I have repainted it in a dirty white and added some OSL effects to the engines.
The engines were painted in Vallejo model color florescent magenta.

Monday, 14 December 2015

A-Wing repaint

This is the first repaint I am posting although not the first repaint I have done so far, I am fairly happy with how this one has turned out.
I've gone for a heavily worn out rusted look for my rebels. It's a style I really like to paint with using simple techniques that I feel add a lot of weight to the miniature.