Tuesday, 12 January 2016

T70 X-Wing Poe Dameron repaint

Obligatory Poe Dameron repaint. I really like the black and orange color scheme, there may well be some other repaints in the future with the same color scheme.

In case anyone is interested I used GW Jokaero orange for the orange bits with a Fuegan orange wash and blended back to Jokaero orange in places.

Way less OSL effect on the engines this time, but that makes sense being as the base color is black it shouldn't show up lighting effects as much as a white X-Wing.

Friday, 1 January 2016

YT-1300 Repaint

Another dirty repaint of the YT-1300 this time.
I think I may have gone a bit over the top with the OSL effect on the engines although it does look quite a bit darker in person, I am fairly happy with how it turned out.

Thursday, 31 December 2015

X-Wing repaint 2

Another X-Wing repaint, this one was originally a clean white repaint but I wasn't happy with it so I dirtied it up a little, then a lot hence this abomination.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Saturday, 19 December 2015

X-Wing repaint

A clean X-Wing repaint this time, the stock FFG paintwork on the the X-Wing is far too dark in my opinion so I have repainted it in a dirty white and added some OSL effects to the engines.
The engines were painted in Vallejo model color florescent magenta.

Monday, 14 December 2015

A-Wing repaint

This is the first repaint I am posting although not the first repaint I have done so far, I am fairly happy with how this one has turned out.
I've gone for a heavily worn out rusted look for my rebels. It's a style I really like to paint with using simple techniques that I feel add a lot of weight to the miniature.